Meaningful Work

We partner with barbershops who would be willing to allow us to come in and control the conversation as we share vital information pertaining to their customers' sexual health. We incorporate rapid HIV testing, offering a FREE haircuts as incentive, while educating on proper condom usage, stigma, HIV tares within the community, modes of transmission for contracting HIV, PrEP and PEP, and healthy relationships.
PillowTalk is our raw, uncut, safe space program that allows us to be transparent with out target audience about the data and statistics not only within the community of which their school resides, where they reside, and the latest STI rates on their campus. The curriculum covers subject matters of self-love, healthy relationships, stigma, paper condom usage, PrEP/PEP and advocacy. Whether is a pajama party or just us lounging around, this conversation is for everyone to enjoy a good time learning and asking questions.

This series is for our youth, creating the safe space to share thoughts and ideas about sexual health. In this conversation, we discuss scenarios while encouraging students to ask questions and share what they know. Each session is catered to discuss the most impactful statistics affecting their school area, as well as providing data and information so they are able to make healthy choices.